Monday, December 12, 2011

austrian school education

The school education in Austria starts with “Kindergarten” at the age of five.
From 6-10 you have to go to the “Volkschule”.
After "Volkschule" you can choose between "Gymnasium" and "Neue Mittelschule".

After four years you can choose if you want to
  • ·    finish your school life and start to work
  • ·     another 4 years of school. After that, you have to take the "Matura". It is like SAT or ACT.
  • ·     or you can go to a “Politechnische Schule”. That´s like school for a specific job and you have to go there for 5 years.

My school is called Tanzenberg and it´s a bit different like other schools in Carinthia. You have to take Latin in the 3th grade and in the 5th grade you can choose between Italian and ancient Greek. Our main subjects are German, Math, Latin and English. We also have some extracurricular subjects, like Drama, band, chess, etc. 

There is a photo of Tanzenberg in winter: 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Episode of Vampire Diaries

Today our homework is to create our own episode of a TV program. I have chosen "The Vampire Diaries".

THE TRUTH: Alaric wants to kill himself, because he is the reason, why Jena got killed by Klaus. Bonnie and Jeremy are prisoners of two mysteries new vampires, Lisa and Frederic, who came to Mystic Falls, to kill Damon, because he has killed their sister. Elena gets a big evidence to save Stefan, but she becomes aware, that she loves Damon too. Now she doesn´t know what to do. And it is full moon, so Tyler is afraid of transformation, because he doesn´t want to harm Caroline.

Candice Accola and Zach Roerig also star. David Jackson directed the episode written by Rebecca Sonnenshine.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Today our homework is to describe a book-cover. Till christmas we have to make a portfolio of a book of our choice. I´ve taken "Bright Green Hell" from John Zodrow.
The cover is white and in the letters of the title, there is a jungle and two humans, a girl and a boy. They are alone and they look scared. And above the title there are some comments and critics.
I am looking forward to read this book, because it looks really exciting.

Monday, October 17, 2011

A film Review:

The secret window
„The secret window“, produced in 2004, is an enthralling, nail biting psycho-thriller, directed by David Koepp and starring Johnny Depp.

The film is about an author, who has been cheated by his wife and has lived in his holiday home in the mountains ever since.
One day a man, called Shooter, comes to him and says, that Mort has stolen one of his stories. But it is a lie. But Shooter doesn´t indulge and gives Mort an ultimatum of 3 days to prove that Mort has written the story. The evidence is in Mort´s ex-wife`s house, but when he wants to get it, the house burns down. So he is trying further an evidence. Meanwhile Shooter gets more and more angry and kills even Mort´s dog and sends Mort threats. So Mort becomes aware of Shooter is a psychpathic characters.

The secret window is one of the best films I´ve ever seen and a must for every Johnny-Depp fan.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

1. english-homework: music

I nearly like every kind of music. I very often listen to Pop music or Indie, but I never listen to Heavy Metal or something like that... I think it’s too loud!

One of my favorite bands is "The Fray". It´s a band from Denver, Colorado and the founders of the band are Isaac Slade and Joe King, who were schoolmates. Their songs appear in many famous TV-series such as Grey’s Anatomy, Scrubs, etc... I think their music is very pleasant and you can listen to it again and again at any time and I love to sing along the lyrics. One of their best songs is: "How to save a life", it’s about a broken friendship and the singer asks himself, what he did wrong.

Beyoncé is another singer I really like. I love her voice and all of her songs are great. My favorite is: "Single Ladies". I love the video and when you hear it you have to sing along. So check it out:

I listen to music, when I’m in the bus to school, in the evening, when I do my homework or when I do sports. I always try to sing along. But my whole family is annoyed, when I do so, because I don´t think that I’m a very gifted singer :)

Some more good songs:


Jessie J