Monday, December 12, 2011

austrian school education

The school education in Austria starts with “Kindergarten” at the age of five.
From 6-10 you have to go to the “Volkschule”.
After "Volkschule" you can choose between "Gymnasium" and "Neue Mittelschule".

After four years you can choose if you want to
  • ·    finish your school life and start to work
  • ·     another 4 years of school. After that, you have to take the "Matura". It is like SAT or ACT.
  • ·     or you can go to a “Politechnische Schule”. That´s like school for a specific job and you have to go there for 5 years.

My school is called Tanzenberg and it´s a bit different like other schools in Carinthia. You have to take Latin in the 3th grade and in the 5th grade you can choose between Italian and ancient Greek. Our main subjects are German, Math, Latin and English. We also have some extracurricular subjects, like Drama, band, chess, etc. 

There is a photo of Tanzenberg in winter: